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Albuquerque Auto Repair

Fall Vehicle Maintenance

Fall Maintenance for Your Car or Truck

Check belts, hoses, and fluids

The first thing you should do to prepare for fall and winter is to check all of your belts and hoses. It’s important to keep up on your oil changes, make sure your heat is working properly and ensure the fluids have been replenished.

Before the weather starts to turn, take your car in for regular maintenance. Your trusted mechanic at McKinney Motor Company in Albuquerque can spot problem areas, change worn belts and hoses, fix any heating issues, and change your oil before the fall.


Check your antifreeze

You need to keep tabs on the antifreeze in your vehicle so that it’s equivalent to the temperatures you are going to be driving in. Checking is important because it may have gotten diluted during the summer months.

When temperatures get colder, a vehicle’s antifreeze becomes vital for operation because it regulates your engine’s temperature and ensures it runs properly.


Check fuel lines and tire pressure

As the cooler weather gets closer, being aware of how the temperature can affect your vehicle is important. Your fuel lines and tire pressure are both areas that need extra attention in the changing temps. Fuel supplements are a great way to keep the ice out of your fuel lines and checking your vehicle’s tire pressure is important for safety and the handling of your car.

Changing temperatures can condense or expand air in your tires, and cooler weather can leave you with low tire pressure. Keep an eye on your car’s tire pressure indicator, and make sure to refill any tire that looks low before you start driving.


Stay safe in colder weather

Along with vehicle maintenance, it’s smart to properly prepare for traveling in the elements and for an emergency.

In the winter, you should have things like gloves, an ice scraper, a blanket and candles in your car. Other items that should always be kept in your vehicle are a first aid kit, flares and jumper cables.


Bring your vehicle to us at McKinney Motor Company and we will provide an inspection of your vehicle and perform any fall maintenance that needs to be taken care of. You will then be able to drive through the winter months with confidence. Call us to schedule an appointment – (505) 298-6734

Information for this article is from the Farmer’s Insurance Website and the full article can be seen here.

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