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3 Signs Your Brakes Need to Be Replaced

The brakes of a vehicle are one of the most important components, why is why it is so important that drivers take the time to get them checked out and replaced by a professional mechanic on a regular basis. It is also important drivers know how to recognize when their vehicle’s brakes are in need of immediate service. Here are three signs that your vehicle’s brakes are in desperate need of replacement.

Less Than a Quarter of an Inch Left

One of the most obvious signs that a vehicle’s brake pads are in bad shape is how much of them are left. By getting low to the ground and peeking through the spokes of the tire, you should be able to get a look at the vehicle’s brake pads. From this, you might be able to estimate how much of the brakes are still there. If it seems like there is less than a quart of an inch still remaining on the brake pads, then this is a very clear sign that they need to be replaced right away.

Squealing Noise

We have all been on the road before when another vehicle pulls up beside you at a stoplight and produces a very loud and annoying squealing sound. This is most likely a result of the vehicle’s brake pads being worn down to the point that they are in need of replacement. But just because you hear this sound when you first try to apply the brakes during your drive, this should not necessarily be a cause for concern.

This squealing sound can also be the result of the brake pads being wet. Therefore, if it has recently rained, then you may want to wait until the end of your drive to see if the brakes are still squealing before you begin to panic and book an appointment with your mechanic.

The Sound of Metal Grinding on Metal

A squealing noise is not the only sound that a vehicle will make when its brakes are in need of replacement. There is also the sound of metal grinding on metal that might occasionally occur. When this happens, it means that brakes have been away past the point where their built-in squealing safety feature can warn you to get new brake pads. At this point, the brake pads have actually been worn away to the point that there is nothing left and the calipers are actually making direct contact with the brake discs.

This is a big issue since this could damage other components of the vehicle’s brake system. If you hear this metal grinding sound and do not get the brakes replaced right away, then your vehicle is going to require that its entire braking system is replaced, which is much more costly.

If you experience any of these three symptoms, then it is best to make an appointment and get your brakes replaced right away. To get the best vehicle service possible, whether it is brake replacement or any other type of maintenance, contact our team of professionals at McKinney Motor Company today.

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