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3 Things To Know About Your Mass Air Flow Sensor

Your vehicle’s mass airflow sensor (MAS) is a crucial piece of the puzzle in ensuring that your engine runs smoothly. If it isn’t working properly, this can lead to additional problems and expense down the road.

Here’s a breakdown of what a mass airflow sensor does, how to know it’s faulty, and what to do to fix it.


What Is a Mass Airflow Sensor?

As its name implies, the mass airflow sensor measures the mass of air coming into the fuel injection engine. It sends this information to the Engine Control Unit, which adjusts the amount of fuel delivered to the engine. This allows the smooth operation of your vehicle, as the engine always receives a balanced amount of fuel for what it needs. If the MAS is faulty, it can lead to all kinds of problems that impact the performance and the longevity of your vehicle.


Symptoms of a Faulty MAS

If there is a defect in your mass airflow sensor, it can affect driveability in a number of ways. Your vehicle may be difficult to start, or it might stall occasionally. You may also encounter difficulties with acceleration, as your engine may not be getting enough power. In some cases, a defective MAS can trigger a trouble code which causes your “Check Engine” light to come on.


How to Fix a MAS

If you’re experiencing problems with your mass airflow sensor, there are some steps you can take on your own to address the problem. You might try replacing the air filter after blowing out any dust buildup in the intake tubing. Or you can purchase a special MAS cleaner and see if cleaning the MAS takes care of the problem. As a last resort, you can replace the mass airflow sensor with a new one.

If you think your MAS is damaged and you don’t feel confident to fix it yourself, reach out to the team at McKinney Motor Company. We can diagnose and fix your mass airflow sensor problem and get your engine back to peak condition again in no time.

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