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Albuquerque Auto Repair

$69.99 Radiator/Cooling System Flush

McKinney Motor Company is offering a $69.99 special radiator system flush offer

Note:This offer expires 11/30/14 and applies to most cars,
please call us to see if this offer applies to your vehicle.

Winter is almost upon us and it is so very important that your cars heating system is working correctly and efficiently. Having your radiator flushed can make a huge difference in not just the engines cooling system, but also your vehicles heating system.

Modern aluminum engine components are prone to corrosion. Most coolants lose their anti-corrosive properties after two years, but anytime you see rusty fluid instead of green, red or orange, it’s time for a flush. A clean system will run more efficiently and protect your car. Also, mineral deposits from water, gunk that accumulates from coolant breaking down, and residue from metal erosion as well as from parts that fail can clog the water pump. This impairs your engine performance. Flushing the system removes the sediments and sludge that accumulate over time.


Just mention this internet special offer when you bring your vehicle in to us.
Offer Expires 11/30/14

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