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Albuquerque Auto Repair

Auto Repair

Auto Repair In Albuquerque

Certified, Professional, Auto Repair Services

auto repair services albuquerque pictureWhat sets McKinney Motor Company auto repair shop apart from the competition is our high level of competency as an automotive repair shop. When you need car repair with qualified mechanics that can handle the toughest auto service and repair jobs, your search ends with us, whether you’re in Albuquerque, Rio Rancho or surrounding area.

McKinney Motor Company’s repair center provides full service automotive repair service with a strong track record in the performance of complex auto service and repair work. Many times these are services other auto repair shops wouldn’t dream of taking on.

When it comes to Albuquerque car repair, our certified mechanics are well equipped to handle the most challenging auto service and car repair projects for automobiles of all types, including hybrid vehicles.


Complete Automotive Repair Services

From the complete reconstruction of a vehicle, to a brake job, to a transmission replacement, our guys will get your auto service and repair job done right. We attack all of our projects head on. This is one reason our customers say that McKinney Motor Company is the place to take your vehicle for the best auto repair Albuquerque has to offer.

Our customers have come to expect and trust the expertise of our ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified mechanics and technicians, who offer quality auto repair service on their vehicles that’s always performed to the highest standards. Here are some of the auto repair services we specialize in;

  • auto repair services albuquerque pictureCheck Engine Light Diagnostics
  • Failed Emission Repairs
  • Engine Repair
  • Custom Built Engines
  • Engine Chassis
  • Dynameters Tuning
  • Fuel Injection Tuning
  • Turbo’s Intercoolers
  • Failed Emission Repairs
  • Transmission Services
  • Transmission Replacement and Repair
  • Clutches
  • Steering
  • Suspension

McKinney Motor Company is dedicated to providing high-quality repair work and customer service. We encourage you to consult with one of our qualified experts about the many repair options we can provide. We’ll help you get years of trouble-free service out of your vehicle.

We provide a free estimate on your auto repair. Please contact us to get running again and back on the road!

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