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Common Signs That Your Vehicle’s Suspension Needs Servicing

If you want your vehicle to last as long as possible, then you’re going to need to make sure to get regular maintenance done. A big part of this will involve having the suspension system examined and repaired on an as-needed basis. But even with regular maintenance, there can still be issues that pop up with the vehicle’s suspension. Luckily, you’ll know what to look for thanks to this helpful guide containing common signs of suspension issues.

A Bouncy Ride

Under normal circumstances, your vehicle should be able to provide you with a fairly smooth ride, even when driving over roads that aren’t perfectly flat. However, once you start to feel every little bump and imperfection in the road, this is a sign that the shocks or struts are failing. So if you suddenly find yourself experiencing much bumpier rides, you should take your vehicle into a mechanic to get examined as soon as possible.

Sudden Drifting While Turning

When the vehicle goes around a corner or turns at an intersection, this means that the weight of the vehicle is going to drastically shift from one side to another. With an adequate suspension system, this shouldn’t be an issue because it should be able to compensate for this centrifugal force. But when the suspension system is breaking down, it will lose its ability to adjust the balance of the vehicle. This means that you will suddenly become much more likely to roll over whenever making a turn, especially while traveling at faster speeds.

Forward Lurching Motion When Applying the Brakes

Unless you completely slam on the brakes, your vehicle should not experience any significant lurching or dipping forward when you come to a stop. However, once the suspension system becomes significantly worn down, it will allow your vehicle to start lurching forward far more often.

Not only is this inconvenient but it is also unsafe. This is because it makes it so that your vehicle can actually take up to 20 percent longer to come to a full stop. In many cases, this can be the difference between coming to a safe stop and hitting another vehicle or object. That’s why it is so important to get the vehicle’s suspension system professionally serviced if you notice that your vehicle’s front end begins to dip down a lot when braking.

Tires Not Wearing Down Consistently

When a vehicle is perfectly balanced, which is the responsibility of the suspension system, it means that each of the four tires will be responsible for holding up an equal amount of weight. But once the suspension systems become damaged, the weight can become unevenly distributed. This means that certain tires will suddenly have to carry more of the vehicle’s weight, which will result in them wearing down much faster or in a different pattern than the tires on the opposite side of the vehicle.

If you happen to notice any of these signs happening, then you will need to get your suspension system serviced as quickly as possible. To get this done, make sure to contact us at McKinney Motor Company.

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