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Finding the Right Dealership

Did you just turn 21 and decided on buying your first car after saving up enough money? Or perhaps you are looking to expand your garage and add another vehicle to the mix? Perhaps you just got married and are looking to gift a nice car to your partner. Well whatever the reason, it’s very important to find the right dealership when making a car purchase. You will probably be spending a lot of time and money when buying a car, so you have to ensure you’re directing your focus at the right dealership. The last thing you need is to invest some much time on finding a dream vehicle, and then it turns out that the seller doesn’t come through. 

Well how do you know which dealership to head to when adding a new vehicle to your home? Well it’s simple, really:

Contact Information

You will be forming a long-term relationship with the dealership that you buy a car from so it is best to ensure that they are easily accessible. It is a big red flag if the only contact information you can find is their physical address and you have to visit them in order to get any more information. If they’re a reputable dealership, they will be sure to have more information available for their potential customers.


Pick a dealership that’s closest to you regardless of any discounted cars at out-of-town dealerships because it might be very inconvenient for you in the long run. Some dealerships require in-person payments, which might make it very difficult for you if they are 2 hours away and you have to go there every month. 

Finance Conditions

Before you pick the car and make your final decision, understand the financing options available at your dealership, because. in some cases. they may not have a financing option that might suit you and you may have to go for traditional financing such as banks/external lenders. This can be chaotic if you leave the financing decisions at the end of your buying journey.

Inventory Check

A good dealership will ensure that they have their entire product catalogue on their website. Make sure to check online before you visit a dealership. Plus, you can always call them up and confirm the availability of a vehicle you find online. Be sure to also check both new and used vehicles if you’re looking to save some extra money by compromising on the plastic seat wraps. 


Never ever forget to do this. Everybody checks reviews when they buy products or services so be sure to do this when you are picking the right car dealer as well. 

Business Values

You can find these usually on the ‘About Us’ page on the dealership. Be sure to check the dealership’s values such as customer-oriented, honesty and integrity. This will give you a glance at what kind of person you’re going to be building a long term relationship with since you will probably be seeing the dealer more than once and need to pick the right one.

Already a Car Owner?

Come visit us at Mckinney Motor Company if you have anything that needs fixing or even a regular maintenance check up.

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