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Albuquerque Auto Repair

Preparing Your Vehicle for the Winter

In New Mexico, we’re lucky to have great weather for most of the year. However, as every Albuquerque resident knows, the weather can change drastically in the winter months. That means hazardous conditions for everyone on the road, and a beating on your vehicle. Before winter storms hit the area, use the following tips to prepare your vehicle for winter weather.

Put the Tools You Need in Your Vehicle

Visibility is the key to save driving in the winter. Be prepared for the conditions by keeping an ice scraper in your vehicle. Be sure to clean ice and snow off of your windshield and all windows before driving. Keeping a bag of cat litter in your trunk can also be helpful. If you get stuck, the litter can offer traction to get you moving.

Have a Winter Kit Ready

When winter weather strikes, you never know if you might end up stuck somewhere and in need of help. Having a winter kit ready to go in your vehicle can help you stay safe while you wait. In your kit, put a blanket, waterproof gloves, a flashlight, flares and waterproof matches, jumper cables, a first aid kit, bottled water, and a box of energy bars. If you’re ever in need of your kit, you’ll be glad you made room for it.

Give Your Vehicle a Check Up

After loading up with supplies, be sure your vehicle itself is prepared for the winter weather. Start with a checkup to take care of routine maintenance. Not only will taking your vehicle in for a check up save you money in the long run, it will also help ensure that you won’t be stuck in bad weather with a problem that could have easily been avoided with a quick trip to the shop.

Check the Tires

No one wants to be on the road with bad tires. Consider having your tires rotated and checked out by a professional before taking them out on icy roads. At the minimum, use a tire guage to check on tire pressure and fill them up with air if needed. You’ll also want to check the tread depth on the tires to ensure safety on the road. You can do a quick tread check with the penny test.

Maintain Coolant and Antifreeze

Prevent major damage to your engine by checking your vehicle’s coolant system and antifreeze level ahead of winter weather. There are several part of a coolant system, and all of them need to be in good working order to keep your car running during winter. Adding antifreeze is simple, and will prevent freezing and damage during the colder months.

Brush Up on Winter Driving Safety

No matter how long you’ve been behind the wheel, it’s always smart to give yourself a quick refresher on winter driving. Use winter driving tips from AAA for a reminder of what to do if you find yourself in a tricky situation on the road.

Bring your car in for service and repairs before the winter weather slows you down.

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