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Preventive Maintenance Tips For Your Engine

We all know that preventive maintenance is key to keeping your car running for years to come. But have you ever thought specifically about your engine?

Your engine truly is the heart of your vehicle, and it’s important to keep it happy and healthy.

Here are four simple tips to keep your engine running smoothly.


Keep It Clean

Over time, dirt, grime and debris can cause blockages in your engine, leading to overheating, poor performance, and even a potential blowout.

Dirty engines take more time to cool down, which can lead to a whole host of problems.

For that reason, it’s imperative that you keep your engine cleaned. You can do this yourself, or hire a professional mechanic to do the job for you.


Service Your Spark Plugs

The trained mechanics at McKinney Motor Company will clean your spark plugs regularly. This prevents dirt from reaching the combustion chamber in your engine. We can remove the plug and the plug lead and clean the space around it using a special cleaner and brush for the job.


Change the Oil Regularly

Everyone knows the importance of regular oil changes, yet it’s amazing how many people neglect this simple step.

Check your vehicle’s user manual for the 411 on what kind of oil to use and how often it should be changed.

If you’re still unsure, it’s fairly easy to check your oil levels yourself to discern whether it’s too low or if it’s dirty.


Keep It Lubricated

Lubrication is the magic sauce that keeps everything in your engine running smoothly. Think about it: all the parts of your engine are constantly moving, and sometimes grinding up against one another. Over time, this friction can damage your engine.

So trust a professional mechanic to prevent that by ensuring adequate lubrication at all times.

Want to know more about how to keep your engine running for years without any issues? Reach out to the professional team of mechanics at McKinney Motor Company today.

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