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Albuquerque Auto Repair

Signs Of an Honest Mechanic

Here at McKinney Auto Company, we pride ourselves on honesty and trustworthiness. But what happens if your car breaks down when you’re out of town? As much as you need the work done, you want to make sure you hire the right mechanic to do it: someone who will not take advantage of your vulnerable position.

Fortunately, most mechanics are honest people. But if you’re understandably nervous, there are a few green flags to look for that signal you’re dealing with an honest mechanic.


They Are Willing to Explain

Mechanics often lapse into technical terms which can make it difficult for the layperson to fully understand their explanations. You should always feel comfortable asking questions of your mechanic if their recommendations are unclear to you in any way. An honest mechanic is willing to take the time to explain something a second or even a third time until it makes sense. If your mechanic is unable to do this, it’s a red flag.


They Have The Right Tools

Every manufacturer is different, and not every mechanic can excel at repairing everything. Verify that your mechanic has the tools that are specific to your vehicle. It’s preferable to work with a repair shop that specializes in just a few manufacturers rather than a “jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none.” By specializing in the right tools, you can be assured that your mechanic operates at a much higher level of skill.


They Have Good Reviews

You can inform yourself of what other customers say about a mechanic by reading online reviews. But don’t stop by reading them; analyze them carefully. Pay attention if there are multiple reviews who all have the same complaint about the mechanic’s honesty. However, if you find that most reviewers gave the mechanic four stars or above, this is a pretty sure sign of his or her trustworthiness.

It can be intimidating to try to spot a dishonest mechanic. But by keeping these guidelines in mind, you can proceed with confidence…even if you don’t happen to be working with McKinney Motor Company.

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