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Signs That Your Car Needs an Oil Change

When it comes to taking care of your car, there are a lot of things that you need to remember. From inspecting the tires to making sure your lights are working to checking up on the engine oil, it’s never a bad idea to have a checklist.

But can you really tell when certain components require further attention? For instance, can you tell when your car is in need of an engine oil change? To help you figure that out, let’s explore some of the most common signs that it might be time to change your engine oil:

Your Car Smells Like Oil

Whenever there’s a strong odor that you can suddenly smell from inside of your vehicle, chances are, your car is trying to tell you something. If it smells like burning oil, you probably need to replace the oil. That could be caused a lack of oil that’s causing your engine to overheat, which needs to be addressed immediately as it can cause a lot of damage to your car.

The Oil Looks Dirty

Clean engine oil should look clean and fresh. If you’re wondering what that looks like, it should resemble a light amber color that’s light and relatively transparent. On the other hand, if your engine oil is thick, milky, or creamy in consistency and color, it’s probably dirty and needs to be replaced. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because your tank is full that means your oil is good. Oil ages over time and becomes less effective when it does, so it needs to be replaced every few thousand miles driven, or once every few months. Check your car’s owner’s manual for more information on your model.

You Hear Knocking Noises Coming From the Engine

Another sign that you might need to replace your engine oil is hearing knocking noises from the engine. When you don’t have enough oil in your tank (or it’s no longer fresh and effective), your engine might lack the proper lubrication that it needs to operate smoothly and efficiently. In this case, that could cause a lot of damage that will need to be addressed. The knocking noises might be caused by the different components that interact with each other and don’t have enough oil for proper lubrication.

Your Oil Change Light is On

While one of the most obvious signs that your car needs an oil change is seeing the oil change light actually light up, you shouldn’t wait until you get to that point. Once your oil change light comes on, you’ll be at a point where your tank will be lacking so much oil that serious damage could affect your vehicle. If yours lights up, get your oil changed immediately and take your car in for a professional inspection. It’s better to make sure everything is working properly than to find out that your car requires more serious repairs later down the line.

If you’re looking to get your oil changed, get repairs done, or go in for regular maintenance services, contact the auto experts at McKinney Motor Company, by professionals who know what they’re doing. Your car is worth it.

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