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Tips for Driving in Winter in New Mexico

Although the winters in New Mexico may not be filled with snow, that doesn’t mean drivers don’t have to prepare for the roads. The winter season is filled with wonder, but it can also make driving quite dangerous. It is important for drivers in New Mexico to know how to properly prepare for what the roads throw at them. By doing this, drivers in New Mexico can feel confident knowing that they are doing everything they can to keep themselves and those around them safe.

Tip 1 – Go the Speed Limit

Although it may be tempting to put the pedal to the metal, it isn’t always the best idea in the winter. This is because the winter roads can be filled with ice, snow and slush, especially in the northern part of the state. Although these factors can cause some unavoidable accidents, many of them can be prevented by going the speed limit.

Tip 2 – Purchase Winter Tires

Depending on where in New Mexico you live, it can be extremely beneficial to get winter tires. Even if the ground isn’t snowy, winter tires can help prevent accidents caused by black ice or other hard-to-see road conditions. This is due to the fact that winter tires are grippier than all seasons; they are also able to stay grippy in cold temperatures.

Tip 3 – Avoid Unplowed Roads

Although they are only needed a handful of times per year, many towns and cities in the state of New Mexico have high quality snow ploughs. These pieces of machinery can efficiently remove snow and ice chunks from the road, making them safe. Although some drivers may feel otherwise, it is beneficial to wait until the ploughs have come through before driving on the road. Doing this will make it easier for the driver to see what is ahead. It will also allow the driver to have more control of the vehicle. If the roads are extra icy, it is wise to wait until they have been salted. This will give the driver even more control over their vehicle.

Tip 4 – Bring Your Cell Phone

Being on a cell phone while driving is distracting and dangerous. Not to mention, it is also illegal in the state of New Mexico. However, it is important that drivers have their cell phones on them, especially during the winter. In the event of an accident, the driver will need a way to call for help, and on of the best options is a cell phone. However, a cell phone is no use if it isn’t charged. Be sure to invest in a vehicle charger or an external battery for the cell phone. This will ensure that the cell phone can be used when it is needed.

To learn more tips for driving in winter in the state of New Mexico, be sure to contact the automotive pros at McKinney Motor Company.

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