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Tips for Properly Maintaining a Diesel Engine

There are a lot of different reasons why it’s beneficial to own a diesel vehicle. But it is important to remember that when you own a diesel vehicle, it is going to require slightly different maintenance needs than a vehicle powered by gasoline. With that being said, here are some of the main steps that you will need to take to properly maintain a diesel engine.

Regularly Clean the Internal Systems

When dirt or grime is allowed to enter the internal systems of any vehicle, it is not going to be good. But this becomes an even bigger deal when you are driving a diesel. Therefore, it is crucial that you are getting the vehicle’s internal system professionally cleaned on a regular basis. This should include cleaning the oil, fuel tank and lines, and air intake systems. This will help to ensure that there is no debris entering the vehicle’s internal system that could significantly shorten the vehicle’s lifespan.

Have the Coolant Checked

Once again, coolant is something that is an essential vehicle maintenance task, regardless of whether or not you have a diesel engine. But if you drive a diesel vehicle, then this is particularly important.

When coolant is allowed to sit in a vehicle’s system for a long time, it is going to become acidic. This will cause some serious issues to other important vehicle components. Therefore, it is vital that you are having your diesel vehicle’s coolant checked out on a regular basis to prevent it from becoming too acidic.

Replace Both Fuel Filters

If you own a modern diesel vehicle, then it is practically guaranteed that it is going to have two different fuel filters. One should be located in the fuel tank, while the other one will be located outside of the tank and somewhere along the fuel line. It is crucial that you remember to change these filters on the recommended timeline.

This is usually between 10,000 and 15,000 miles but will state the exact recommended amount within the owner’s manual. And when these filters are replaced, you will need to get them both replaced at the same time. Otherwise, you run the risk of having different performance levels between the filters, which will alter the vehicle’s driving.

Get Regular Oil Changes

This may seem like a pretty obvious tip. However, you’d be surprised to learn how many diesel drivers let this slip their mind and go far beyond the recommended time or distance traveled in between oil changes. By going past the date by even a couple of months, it could cause some serious performance issues to occur. Therefore, it is important that you are reading through your diesel vehicle’s owner manual to figure out how often the oil should be changed.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your diesel vehicle will be always kept in tip-top shape. When you are ready to start properly maintaining your diesel vehicle, make sure to contact us today to chat with an experienced mechanic.

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