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Category Archives: Automotive Maintenance Tips

Tips for Driving in Winter in New Mexico

Although the winters in New Mexico may not be filled with snow, that doesn’t mean drivers don’t have to prepare for the roads. The winter season is filled with wonder, but it can also make driving quite dangerous. It is important for drivers in New Mexico to know how to properly prepare for what the…
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The Benefits of Installing Winters Tires

As the seasons change from fall to winter, it is extremely important that you make the necessary changes to your vehicle. This will ensure that your vehicle is working to its full potential and will keep you and your passengers safe on the road. One of the most important changes that need to be made…
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Preparing Your Vehicle for the Winter

In New Mexico, we’re lucky to have great weather for most of the year. However, as every Albuquerque resident knows, the weather can change drastically in the winter months. That means hazardous conditions for everyone on the road, and a beating on your vehicle. Before winter storms hit the area, use the following tips to…
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Signs Your Oil Needs Changing

Engine oil is truly the lifeblood of your car, helping to keep the moving parts of your car well-lubricated and running smoothly, which means a smooth and safe drive for you. The thing about that is that type of responsibility puts pressure on the engine, and over time, you need to keep the engine oil…
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Repairs That You Shouldn’t Do Yourself

The DIY movement does a lot of good, that’s a fair thing to say. More people are learning about the different functions and mechanisms that power their daily lives, and are also taking a greater interest in what they need to keep them up and running. However, this mentality runs to a limit, especially when…
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